Very often bought flats have already been used by someone. If so, the apartment is derived from the secondary market, and we need to get a good look before we buy it.
The first thing we will see is a facade and staircase. The old apartment buildings often look tragically, and the seller will provide housing that is planned for soon renovation. It makes no sense to believe his word and a lot safer it is to go to the building manager or co-operative and learn it yourself.
Another thing is to pay attention to certain things in the apartment. The entrance to the dumpster near the bedroom window, for example, is associated with the fact that odors will not always be pleasant, and often we will be woken up by sound of cans crushed by various collectors. If there is a lift in the block, it is to be considered for an apartment on the ground floor next to the elevator door, we can be confident that the we will hear a lot of noise.
You should make sure that the apartment does not smell of tobacco, it is quite durable and hard to get rid of. Also, check the place for all bugs, for the presence of cockroaches and other insects. They love to nest in dark corners, the light switches, and other similar places. You should know that cockroaches are very difficult to get rid of, because even after breaking them in our apartment, we can be pretty sure that in the end they will come back, because probably they have nests also at our neighbors.
In addition, we inspect the condition of the apartment. Particularly important are all the hidden places, angles, and each space which is at first sight unseen. What are you looking for? Cracks, or moisture and mildew, as well as stains on the ceiling. As far as any kind of installation or colors are possible to improve according to our taste, a fight with a neighbor who often floods us and a bathroom with a wet spots through the wall is very difficult and time consuming to remove.
What to check before buying a flat - secondary market.,

Saving money, secondary market, to check before buying a flat, to rent an apartment