Personalization of your credit card

Posted: August 18th, 2013 | Author: | Money

Payment card does not have to be just a piece of plastic that we use instead of cash. Some banks have the possibility to personalize the cards. Today, it is less well known and less promoted than a few years ago, because, unfortunately, many banks did not accept the idea is not particularly hard, but the possibility still remained here and there.

Tax Credits / photo on flickr

Tax Credits / photo on flickr

The most common and also the smallest part of personalization is the ability to pattern your own images to the card. Contrary to appearances, this solution is not stupid and senseless, because in the event of theft it can get someone’s attention. It therefore has a certain practical value.

When it comes to aesthetics is of course a matter of taste, but applying the images to a payment it is not so much about aesthetic. If you want a really nice card payment in some banks they have a choice of the desired pattern, or even applying his own imprint on it. This is of course extra but can turn a typical utility subject in a very nice, attractive and conspicuous means of payment.

But by far the greatest potential for giving it to companies that may be applied to the payment card its own logo, and similar data, which is kind of a sign of prestige and can make a good impression. And, in principle, only in this case, I recommend a personalized card with a clear conscience. In the end, not without reason, that possibility is not particularly widespread.

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