How not to overpay for OC

Posted: September 9th, 2013 | Author: | Money, Travel

Mandatory car insurance is something that is a nightmare for nearly each driver every year. However, complaining about this will not change things and the only thing we can do is try to save a on the insurance, because the scope of it almost always is the same.

Damian Morys Photography / photo on flickr

Damian Morys Photography / photo on flickr

The point at which we should think about the fee for the insurance, is when we think of buying a car. There is really no reason to pick very high capacity of the engine, because we will unfortunately have to pay a higher OC, and often more use more gas. So, while Jeeps are very cool and practical cars, to commute to work and store it is much better to opt for a smaller, urban car. You should also check what the insurer offers. In this case, there is no sense to get attached to one of the insurance company, as is often the case that a new insurer will pay us more than being faithful to the same company. In case of mandatory insurance, unfortunately, there are no loyalty bonuses.

It is worth to look at the offers available on the internet. There are special promotions that we may miss if you do not also use online services. Note that we can often gently negotiate the amount of the premium. Remember that this is an annual insurance, so try to save even small amounts, which in a few years will gather into quite a large sum of money. Do not forget about discounts for accident-free driving – travel to go safely.

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