Grilled asparaguses

Posted: August 31st, 2012 | Author: | BBQ

Asparaguses if green taste perfectly baked or grilled. They are very tasty with bacon. Ingredients: a bundle of green asparaguses, a few slices of bacon, three large tablespoons of olive oil, salt, fresh ground pepper.

Wash and dry asparaguses, cut off the woody ends and peel them thinly. Asparaguses should be boiled in salted and lightly sweetened water, immersed for 2/3 of their depth in water. Later, drain off every asparagus and wrap each in a slice of bacon. Sprinkle asparaguses with olive oil and ground pepper. Asparaguses should be grilled for about ten minutes in an aluminium tray on the hot garden grill or in a grate in the oven.You can grill both: white and green asparaguses.

The best are baby asparagus with straight shoots and tight tips. When selecting asparagus, one should also select the thinnest ones because they are quickly grilled.

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