Diet by Dr. Gerson

Posted: December 24th, 2012 | Author: | Diet

It is a diet that is aimed at preventing deficit of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Diet by Dr. Gerson

Dr. Gerson came up with it as a cure for migraine headaches that accompanied him during his youth, and as a consequence he was able to develop a feeding system that has helped hundreds of people suffering from cancer, degenerative diseases of the heart, kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis or tuberculosis of the skin.

The great advantage of Dr. Gerson diet is that it provides many vitamins, fluids, enzymes, minerals, and other compounds as well as, which is not insignificant, the minimum amount of sodium and fat. Detoxification of the body, which is made after the consumption of meals offered in the diet gives very good results. In the first period, lasting for three months we should only eat fruits, vegetables and juice squeezed from them, but from time to time, you can also eat oatmeal or rye bread while retaining the principle of a minimum share of salt. When the first period goes by, you can gradually incorporate into your diet other foods, dairy products or even skinny natural yogurt containing live cultures of bacteria.

To such treatment brought the desired results, you should minimize the inclusion of sodium in the diet, and in return, increase the intake of potassium. It is a common board, but it should not be too large, and it is recommended to drink non-carbonated mineral water, preferably in an amount of at least two liters per day.

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