Astronauts diet

Posted: December 24th, 2012 | Author: | Diet

The name of this diet sounds cosmically and it is not without reason.

Astronauts diet

The pilots, who are preparing for the expedition beyond Earth must maintain a constant weight, calculated in parts kilograms, because based on it, specialists matched their spacesuits, as well as many other factors that have important implications for the safety of space expeditions. For this reason, if an astronaut gain few pounds shortly before the planned mission, he must take drastic measures as soon as possible to return to the scales, for which the share has been designed.

Following the rigors of a few rules, we can even get rid of the 2 – 3 kg, but the extension of this way of diet which is almost more than 3 days starvation is extremely dangerous for ordinary people who do not have health such as astronauts. Therefore, there is another version of this diet, designed for a period of 14 days, in which it is assumed that our bodies must provide the amount of about 800 calories a day. This low-calorie diet can be used no more than 2 times a year.

It consists of three meals eaten per day, and drinking between them 8 glasses of fluids- still mineral water (approximately 2 liters). You have to entirely give up with flour products and sugar, animal fats, pepper, paprika, lemon, and of course the alcohol. Meats should be cooked in a Teflon pan or grill, without the fat, meals can be salted, but be sure, that you add a small amount of this spice.

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