Diet for the summer

Posted: December 2nd, 2012 | Author: | Diet

This diet is ideal during the summer months for two reasons, firstly it is based on fruits and vegetables, which the biggest amount is just during the summer, and is chosen according to the weather, as there is usually in the summer, so to the high temperatures and high emission of sunshine.

Diet for the summer.

Summer is the best time to learn how to eat responsibly and wisely and get used to his body, and the way to lose weight fast and look nicer on the hot beaches. The summer diet consists in three meals a day and clearly emphasizes that their number has remained the same, and certainly not less, especially at the cost of breakfast.

This type of diet is recommended for those people who want to take care of their body and by the way lose some weight and lower the curves. Breakfast eaten during the summer diet should be light, but not starvation, because this meal has to provide us with energy stocks for much part of the day. Around noon or two hours later, according to the mode of life and work, for example, the main meal or dinner should be eaten. It should also be light, devoid of a heavy ingredients, such as meat cooked in a deep fat fried or grilled meat and additives such as chips.

In the evening, it is good to have a light meal, but not later than 3 hours before bedtime.In this diet is also important to drink plenty of water and fruit juices, and abstaining from sugary carbonated drinks.

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