6 ways to snoring

Posted: November 25th, 2012 | Author: | Health Care

Snoring is quite troublesome ailment, not so much for snoring, which for a person who is sentenced to listen to these sounds unpleasant to the ear. So you go to sleep and let others sleep, thanks to the knowledge of a few simple ways to combat snoring.

snoring couple in bed

Prepare bedroom

A very important issue is the proper preparation of the bedroom before you go to sleep. So be sure of a decent room ventilation, clean, fresh bedding, peaceful atmosphere.


Your pillow should be either high or completely flat. This reduces the chance of snoring.

Nasal septum

One of the causes unpleasant symptoms, which is snoring, it may be crooked nasal septum. Lying on the side, which may in some cases help in the case of completely cutting off the air supply to the organism. If you know that it is crooked septum is your problem, you should talk to your doctor and go in for surgery.


Also, the diet has an impact on whether someone snoring or not. A snorer should control their weight and keep it in a certain limit. It is better to opt out of a heavy meal before bedtime, eat a light dinner at least two hours before bedtime.


Old grandma’s way of snoring is drinking a glass of hot milk just before bedtime. Thus stop snoring, snoring, or at least be somewhat mitigated.


If all else fails home, you may want to visit ENT. It will help determine what is the cause of snoring and determine what needs to be done to overcome them.

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