3 advice on how to avoid varicose veins

Posted: November 25th, 2012 | Author: | Health Care

If you are often in a sitting position, you are extremely vulnerable to the formation on your feet very bad symptoms, which are varicose veins. Their first signal is aching and swollen legs. Learn what to do so to prevent varicose veins, before it’s too late.

girl legs

Sit properly

The way you sit, have a huge impact on whether or varices defacement of your legs. First of all, you can not sit in such a way as to interfere with the blood circulation in the legs. It’s better to try not to cross your legs and arms of God on them, not sit, do not force your legs too much trouble. Try to get at least some of the time, keep your knees slightly above the hips. It will be good if as far as possible from time to time, raise your legs up or get up to “stretch their bones.”

Take a break

It is important to regularly take time off, you can not “linger” on some steps. Thanks taking time off, not only will you be more effective at work, but also have a positive affect on your health. Of course, if the use of a bit of traffic interruption.


Exercise can have a positive effect on blood circulation, so they are a great “cure” for varicose veins. Focus most attention on the exercise of the lower limbs. How much running, swimming, cycling, skating. A useful exercise is staggering down the wheels and the bike.

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